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House building companies tend to use their land banks in different ways.
Officials ultimately hope to preserve half the island for the land bank.
To prepare for that day, the company has been quietly building up its land bank.
The group has a significant land bank for which plans are underway to develop several commercial projects.
The money will go to town land banks to buy land and development rights.
The Land Bank had decided to turn the property into a small park, anyway.
He is one of India's largest realtors, with a very large land bank.
Concern has been mounting that some Federal land banks within the huge system may not survive much longer.
The land bank has acquired thousands of properties from various sellers.
Developers hold land banks and trickle the development onto the market to keep the price up.
The land bank has helped to clean up vacant and abandoned structures in the community.
People who are sitting in large empty houses or own land banks would have an incentive to sell.
The school sponsored a land bank that helped 85 families buy land.
Nantucket was the first place in the nation to create a land bank with a real estate transfer tax.
The proceeds, estimated at $100 million over 10 years, would go into town land banks for farm and open space protection.
An additional 2.1m hectares is available through the federal government's land bank for agricultural investment.
Much of the property not eligible for the land bank may go to promoting more affordable housing.
Sam's father was rained in the Land Bank failure a number of years ago.
No brown or green land should be built on until builders have used up the land bank already in their greedy hands.
Bumitama's still has approximately 38% of its land bank unplanted.
We purchased the property as a land bank.
The court party used its influence to have the British Parliament dissolve the land bank in 1741.
If there were a demand for new housing, builders would be putting up properties left, right and centre on their massive land banks.
Other companies derive their profit primarily from the construction process with a shorter land bank cycle of, say, up to three years.
The big housebuilders may gain long term, but their current land banks will reduce drastically in value.