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It elected the officer staff (starshyna), with the Kosh otaman at its head.
The Kosh otaman that was not reelected returned to his assigned kurin.
Kosh otaman was elected for a term of one year and in exceptional cases was reelected.
Just a few miles west of the city was buried the Kosh otaman Ivan Sirko.
The skull of the Kosh Otaman Ivan Sirko two years was laying in my apartment.
He represented the Kosh Otaman in the palanka and had significant powers, including the right to condemn Cossacks to the death penalty.
Upon arrival of Khmelnytsky, the Kosh otaman called for the General Council that was set for April 19.
Legendary Kosh Otaman Ivan Sirko.
In 1825 Kosh otaman Lytvyn promised to send another expedition to Greece but fled the Sich without any trace.
At that time one of his friends, Fedir Lyutai, a former Registered Cossack, was elected a Kosh Otaman.
The Zaporozhian Host was led by the Sich Rada that elected a Kosh Otaman as the host's leader.
The Otamans of kurins constituted the Kosh of the Host which was chaired by the Kosh Otaman.
The commanders of Zaporozhian Host (the Kosh) often considered as hetmans in fact carried a title of Kosh Otaman.
After the battle the Doroshenko's opposition led by the Kosh Otaman Ivan Sirko and Tatars stopped his further advance against Poles.
In March he was visited by Joseph Shelest who had a letter from the Zaporozhian Kosh otaman which called all the cossacks to fight against Poland.
At the first Congress of the Free Cossacks of Zvenigorod uyezd in April 1917 Hryzlo was elected the Kosh Otaman.
Petro Kalnyshevsky, the Kosh otaman, found out that the Sich is surrounded and besieged only after the Russian envoy arrived to call him to meet with Tekeli.
The last Kosh Otaman (leader) of Zaporizhian Sich Petro Kalnyshevsky was imprisoned at Solovetsky Island Monastery.
During the ceremony the Kosh otaman passed down to the new hetman the banner, the standard, and the military drums - the Cossack Kleinody (see Zaporizhian Cossacks).
After Russia overran the Danube, the Kosh Otaman Trofim Gaibadura and Ivan Guba offered their allegiance to Russia.
Vyhovsky witnessing the situation run out of his control, went on to extinguish the revolt led by the Zaporozhian Kosh Otaman Yakiv Barabash and Poltava Colonel Martyn Pushkar.
Evarnitsky, D. Ivan Dmitrievich Sirko, glavnyi koshevoi ataman zaporozhskikh nizovykh kazakov (Ivan Sirko, The Chief Kosh Otaman of Zaporizhian Cossacks).
Petrykivka was first mentioned in historical documents in 1772, when the residents of neighbouring Kurylivka village asked Kosh Otaman Petro Kalnyshevsky to move their Orthodox Chapel to a safer place because of flooding.
The threat to the Russians during their conquests in Ukraine was relieved after Vyhovsky lost his alliance with Crimean Khanate due to Kosh Otaman Ivan Sirko campaign who later attacked Chyhyryn as well.