On Monday, hundreds of Iraqis swarmed around the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad, denouncing the country's leader, King Abdullah II, and defacing a Jordanian flag.
Israeli boats, waving Jordanian and Israeli flags and unleashing horn blasts, greeted the Haya, which means life in Arabic, as it plowed through the placid waters.
The crowd cheered, waving Iraqi, Palestinian and Jordanian flags.
Jordan uses the Pan-Arab colors as its national colors, which are all used on the Jordanian flag.
Black flags fluttered from many closed shops, and Jordanian flags were lowered to half-staff as the nation observed a day of mourning.
It was not long before King Abdullah delivered his television address, flanked by Jordanian flags and pictures of his father and of his own wife, Princess Rania.
The ship has recently been registered under the Bolivian and Jordanian flags.
On the far side, a Jordanian flag flies from a mound.
In the hall, the Israeli flag was displayed next to the Egyptian, Jordanian and Palestinian flags.
That asylum decision was cited by some of the Iraqis who entered the Jordanian Embassy after the explosion, ripping down official portraits and burning a Jordanian flag.