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There should be no major problem here, nor with the Joint Supervisory Authority.
Thank you for your reply to the question, and the answer that there are no plans for a joint supervisory authority in connection with Europol.
The joint supervisory authority responsible for data protection is composed of a Member from each Member State.
What is termed the Joint Supervisory Authority has, in several annual reports, expressed its lack of ability to function independently.
Thirdly, there is the report by the Joint Supervisory Authority which monitors compliance with data protection requirements.
Parliament has also just received the second annual report by the Executive Committee and the Joint Supervisory Authority.
The Joint Supervisory Authority, or JSA, has had quite inadequate resources.
The Joint Supervisory Authority was set up by the convention for the purpose of implementing Schengen, more precisely by its article 115.
The creation of a Joint Supervisory Authority for Europol is anticipated in article 24, paragraph 7 of the convention which set up Europol.
Since 2001, he is the Belgian representative in the Joint Supervisory Authority of the EU Customs Information System.
There is a similar system of control for the database in the Schengen Information System called JSA, Joint Supervisory Authority .
My question about the Schengen Information System concerns the supervisory function of the JSA, the Joint Supervisory Authority .
Incidentally, the protection of personal data is a particularly important issue with the Schengen information system, and we should not forget that the Joint Supervisory Authority produced a highly critical report here.
I propose the deletion, however, of the proposal on access to data concerning issued identity papers, in accordance with the advice of the Schengen Joint Supervisory Authority, along with data concerning blank official documents.
The proposal also provides for a new institutional approach, through the idea of setting up a European Railway Agency as a regulatory body for the system and a joint supervisory authority that can manage and ensure safety in the sector.
We have therefore restricted the type of data that can be accessed and have proposed that access to data relating to identity documents and to blank official documents be removed, in line with the opinion of the joint supervisory authority.
The Joint Supervisory Authority has been severely critical in connection with the misuse of information in cases where refugees have not been informed of their rights and where the authority itself has not had proper access to the register.
Some of the proposals in the report are of a technocratic nature (more information for the European Parliament, Council approval for a binding legal framework to protect personal data, approval for the role of the Joint Supervisory Authority).
Does the Council of Ministers consider that the Joint Supervisory Authority (JSA), the authority intended to supervise the correct operation of the SIS register, has adequate resources and powers to carry out its work in a satisfactory manner?
But to judge from the evidence given by the UK Member of the joint supervisory body to the House of Lords European Select Committee, we have reason to ask if we can have total confidence in the thoroughness with which the joint supervisory authority is doing its job.
The Commission also shares the opinion of the European Parliament that, for the data protection supervision of the IT application, the solution aiming to replace the Joint Supervisory Authority (JSA) with the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) is the most appropriate.
In this context of having some reservations about the initial Spanish proposals, we welcome the rapporteur's introduction of amendments that we believe respond to the concerns expressed by the Joint Supervisory Authority and by various members of the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs.
It includes mention of how corrections are to be made, how and when personal details are to be removed and under what conditions an individual will be informed that they have been registered, etc. The Convention also stipulates that a joint supervisory authority shall be established to ensure that Europol uses its database as intended.