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Gieng's Iustitia was greatly influential on fountain designers up until the middle of the 17th century.
Caesar recognizes Galba for his sense of justice (iustitia) and intelligence (prudentia).
Daughter of Jupiter and Iustitia.
Not to be confused with iustitia, the Latin word for "justice," or Justitia, the allegorical figure representing justice.
The life-sized statue on the pillar is Iustitia, "Lady Justice", the personification of justice.
Advocati Iustitia (Law Club)
"Il servizio militare femminile e le convenzioni internazionali,in Iustitia 1981, pagg.
Gieng's Iustitia is a symbol of republican justice, and was a forceful public reminder of the Bernese Republic's authority through law.
Alternatively, she was sometimes identified as the virgin goddess Iustitia or Astraea, holding the scales of justice in her hand as the constellation Libra.
Such people 'will assuredly prefer the reputation without the reality of goodness [iustitia simulationem ]to the reality without the reputation'.
Iustitia Imputata Christi: Alien or Proper to Luther's Doctrine of Justification?
In IUSTITIA (Czech Republic)
Rehtia has been seen as a counterpart of the Roman Iustitia, the divine embodiment of justice, or the Greek goddesses Themis or Dikē.
McGrath, Alister E. Iustitia Dei : A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification.
A Roman equivalent of one aspect of Hellenic Themis, as the personification of the divine rightness of law, was Iustitia (Anglicized as Justitia).
When one of his clients was derided in court for preferring a rural lifestyle, Cicero defended country life as "the teacher of economy, of industry, and of justice" (parsimonia, diligentia, iustitia).
An inheritance in the countries formerly under Roman law (ius or iustitia) represented not only a transmission of the properties and privileges but also the encumbrances and obligations attached to the inheritance.
During the reign of Augustus, the Senate voted that a golden shield be inscribed with Augustus' attributes and displayed in the Curia Iulia, including virtus, clementia, iustitia, and pietas.
As land reclamation of Oostveen moved northward, a new settlement arose on the Oostveen lands that was dedicated by the dean of the Utrecht cathedral "in protectione et iustitia Sancti Martini".
The next year he published the work Dialogorum de Trinitate (Dialogues on the Trinity) and the supplementary work De Iustitia Regni Christi (On the Justice of Christ's Reign) in the same volume.
While the sword and scales are traditional attributes of Iustitia, the Bernese statue's blindfold is a novelty; only later did it become a common element in personifications of Justice and a general symbol for the principle of equality before the law.
In his first two books (De trinitatis erroribus, and Dialogues on the Trinity plus the supplementary De Iustitia Regni Christi) Servetus rejected the classical conception of the Trinity, stating that it was not based on the Bible.
In her journey towards a new way of life as a church, after the advent of the Diocesan Synod 2003, the local church of Marinduque is once again sent by Christ: "Duc in altum, ecclesia pauperum, in iustitia, in caritate et in pace."
Moving towards the task of continuous evangelization of the people, the diocese propels towards the vast ocean to fish for its constituents in her local Church bringing and putting into mind the imperative of Jesus Christ: "Duc in altum, ecclesia, pauperum, in iustitia, in caritate, et in pace."