He was writing a book on Internet law at the time of his death.
Since the Internet law represents a legal paradigm shift, it is still in the process of development.
Over the next several years, Boe played a critical role in the development of Internet law.
By all rights, of course, the agency should be able to, but there was an oddball section of Internet laws that might prevent that.
The blog began in August 2001 as an experiment, and a part of Reynolds' class on Internet law.
Internet law and custom generally exempt Internet service providers from responsibility for the behavior of their users.
This same sort of overbreadth is one of the central problems with the Internet law being challenged in Philadelphia.
The 1998 Internet law allowed 10 states, which at that time were taxing Internet access from both cable and telephone companies, to continue doing so.
If they did that kind of monitoring, they might get themselves into even more trouble, according to some experts on Internet law.
He currently represents individuals and companies in matters pertaining to Internet law.