The offer will bring fabulous educational resources to schools too poor to provide an advanced Internet hookup on their own.
Each house has a high-speed Internet hookup, and each condo owner receives a university e-mail address.
But as of next week, millions more will be able to click onto a live Internet hookup to the nave of the cathedral.
He had time to test his Internet hookup while he drank his coffee.
Our 13-year-old's private line was justified as a tool to let her use her computer's Internet hookup without shutting down the general house phone.
Most users need only an Internet hookup, headphones and a microphone plugged into a computer.
Imagine that you need to write an important e-mail message to your boss but are stranded at an airport without an Internet hookup.
Japan probably represents a more fertile market for Pippin because home computers and Internet hookups are much less common here than in the United States.
One enticement was the offer of a free computer and high-speed Internet hookup for each student, which Branson finances with the state per-pupil allotment.
Today's wired traveler will also appreciate the number of electrical outlets, easy Internet hookup ($9.95 a day) and Aeron ergonomic chair.