While the Internet has buzzed recently with chatter by some young hackers apparently intent on crashing the gate, the promoters said that the state police would be waiting.
And the Internet has been buzzing with postings from men who cannot find the drug and are eager to locate the nearest pharmacy that has it.
Right now the Internet is buzzing about Megan Fox's thumbs.
The Internet is buzzing with news of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's very special date.
The Internet buzzed with news of the latest trouble for a company in turmoil.
In the heady days of the late 1990's, the Internet buzzed with a number of gambits for distributing "content" directly to the consumer.
Since articles about the case appeared last month in local newspapers, the Internet has been buzzing with people supporting Ms. Amero.
The Internet has been buzzing with all sorts of pranks and trivia related to President Clinton's troubles.
The Internet was buzzing for most of last week with men inquiring when the drug would be available.
(The Internet is buzzing with rumors that Kim met up with Reggie this last weekend.)