During this time, he served as a light armored infantry officer where he saw combat.
They were de rigueur among many German infantry officers, helping to kill off their popularity.
After military training in Nigeria and Britain, he became, at 19, the country's youngest infantry officer.
He was an airborne infantry officer pressed into service as an MP.
In order to secure a source of reinforcements for the army it opened new military schools for young infantry, cavalry, artillery officers and soldiers.
At around 3:30 pm, more mutinous royal forces arrived to reinforce the crowd, bringing with them trained infantry officers and several cannons.
Until 1914, British infantry officers still carried swords and the cavalry retained the cavalry sword throughout the war.
The officials described him as a capable, well-liked infantry officer who had no close connections to Mr. Hussein and his family.
French infantry officers urged the columns forward and the drummers responded by beating the pas de charge with a frantic energy.
Then Simon was in France (an infantry officer in the trenches!).