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He continued ice skating until just months before his death in 1992.
The two become close friends, and the last shot of the film shows them ice skating together.
"My daughter has never been ice skating," one mother said.
Even in one point she was considering ice skating as her future.
In the winter, it is used as a public ice skating area.
She was also noted for her ability in ice skating.
And that was it for my attempt at ice skating.
It is a site for public fishing and ice skating.
In winter the lake is sometimes used for ice skating.
We might even go ice skating over at the lodge.
However, today an ice skating area is situated right next to the building.
It is also open to the public as an ice skating facility.
Part of the lake is open in winter months for ice skating.
"Ice skating is much easier - people fall over and things like that."
The philosophy is that to get away from the heat, go ice skating.
A unique feature at a water park is ice skating.
We can walk through the park and see if the ice skating is going yet."
Read our complete guide to ice skating in London here.
"We'll be back at four in time for ice skating.
Until people start ice skating in hell, save your breath.
But he was most devoted to hockey and ice skating.
Sometimes it feels a little more like ice skating than skiing.
The site had been a fish market, then an ice skating rink.
Another woman worried that her daughter could no longer go to ice skating classes because of the cost.
She is also a choreographer and an ice skating teacher.
In 1987, he was at the top of the international skating field.
Her figure skating started when she was 4 years old.
And I did think the skating was very well done.
"But I think the most important part was the good skating."
But I have a lot of confidence in my skating.
The whole idea of figure skating is to finish among the top three in the short program.
Most of the skating police officers are in their mid-20's.
I will do anything for her - forget the skating.
At the same time, she was nervous about her skating.
It must include at least three different free skating moves.
Putting those skills together for four minutes of free skating is another matter.
She wants them to see a new dress or a picture of her skating.
But if you think of his skating, he was very brilliant, then down.
His skating began to go in 1978-79 and he retired at season's end.
"He has no idea what his skating does to people," Hill said.
Still, not all is perfect in the world of extreme skating.
The free skating takes place today and is worth the remainder.
This decision shows why figure skating seems like a closed club.
For Thomas, the move into professional skating will be a limited one.
"His skating is an area where he has to work very hard.
Still, it strikes me that skating is on to something.
She also wonders about her skating, but not nearly so much as before.
The film was praised by those inside and outside of the skating industry.
Public skating is also offered for people of all ages.
However, Blair did much of her own skating for the picture.