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Ice climbing has since become a sport in its own right.
The town is a popular ice climbing destination in the winter months.
Ice climbing has now been terminated because of this event.
Yes, I thought, it is nice, deciding that ice climbing isn't my thing.
Ice climbing competitions started in Russia and have been held each winter since 1970.
Prior to this, much of ice climbing was seen as mere step cutting.
This a good choice for biking, skiing or ice climbing.
A type of abseiling point used especially in winter and ice climbing.
This technique should be done properly to ensure your safety when ice climbing.
Ice climbing is another winter activity allowed in select canyons.
Human activities in the area include environmental education, bushwalking, skiing, and ice climbing.
Ice climbing is a popular activity on the frozen waterfalls in winter.
In later years Rjukan has become famous for its ice climbing possibilities.
In the cold winter months they sometimes freeze over, thereby offering ice climbing opportunities.
The preferred surface for ice climbing is rock-hard and solid.
To learn ice climbing, one needs only general physical fitness, wool clothes and rain gear.
Generally, there are two kinds of ice climbing - alpine and waterfall.
It includes ice climbing, cross-country skiing and cold weather operations.
There is also a mountaineering school where training courses are run for glacier or ice climbing.
The vertiginous thrill of ice climbing isn't for everyone.
They are also the principal locations in the UK for ice climbing.
The trail is closed during the winter months to hiking, but it is open to ice climbing.
"Done properly," he said, "ice climbing is much safer than people imagine.
This gives a good general purpose crampon suitable for all types of snow and ice climbing.