The mini has an IR receiver on the front for the Apple Remote, which can be added for $19.
Can you tune that IR receiver?
The IR receiver was not built into the AIO, however, and required a USB dongle to function correctly.
It currently works with Personal Trainer: Walking, which has an IR receiver in the game card.
With LIRC and an IR receiver the user can control their computer with almost any infrared remote control (e.g. a TV remote control).
It comprised a set of motors, two IR receivers, remote control and a battery box, thus resulting in a remote-control model.
Furthermore, Antec includes a remote control and IR receiver, which saves us a few more bucks.
The sockets act as IR receivers and transmitters.
Using a remote boils down to either having an IR receiver internal or attaching a suitable dongle.
He'd fired an infrared missile and had slaved the missile seekerhead to the IR receiver instead of the radar.