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This school is a pioneer in using information and communication technologies.
A lot of inventions in the future will be based on information and communication technologies.
People also have a right to social inclusion through training in modern information and communications technologies.
Since 1995, it has worked to help local authorities master new information and communications technologies.
We must make it easier to invest in information and communications technologies.
One of the most important sub-sectors is information and communication technologies.
Sound basic vocational training should develop knowledge, for example of working with the new information and communication technologies.
At the moment, information and communication technologies are crowned with all the virtues.
Therefore preparing for the use of information and communication technologies is becoming increasingly important.
To deepen the knowledge in information and communications technologies emerging.
Critical professional education about information and communications technologies and social life.
One of the major issues connected with fair access to information and communication technologies is making them affordable.
Furthermore, information and communication technologies are particularly sensitive to the effects of social uses on technology itself.
The school's objective is to train engineers in the fields of information and communication technologies.
In other words, information and communication technologies will be an important tool in the future for our development policy.
Information and communications technologies have become key elements in our economy and society as a whole.
-Assisting countries to use information and communication technologies in education.
Information and Communication Technologies has a centre in the district.
Producers of modern information and communication technologies have noticed an increased demand for their products.
The movement has also been credited with very smart use of information and communication technologies despite censorship in the country.
He is a leading researcher on the use of information and communication technologies in the nonprofit sector.
It is the perfect response to the various issues now affecting our fellow citizens in the form of new information and communication technologies.
We must therefore ensure that products based on new information and communication technologies are user-friendly.
I supported the motion for a resolution on the challenge of energy efficiency through information and communication technologies.
He also has written on legal issues, relating to Information and Communications technologies.
ICT is a new hope of a better and enriched life.
ICT has been employed in many education projects and research over the world.
ICT is the one subject where many of the pupils know more than the teachers.
A new hall and ICT room were built in 2003.
ICT is one of the fastest growing sectors in the country.
I can remember back to when ICT education started in schools.
ICT can be covered by our vocational courses and business.
The school has a strong focus on the use of ICT.
ICT is used at schools as an additional tool to develop the teacher's job.
ICT employs 3,000 service representatives, including 540 who have been with the company for three years or more.
ICT is led very well at both departmental and senior management levels.
ICT is taught both as a discrete subject and across the curriculum.
Because teachers pay is very poor compared to working in the ICT industry.
We used to have four people teaching ICT full time; now we've got two.
But you'd never know that from the current ICT curriculum.
Using ICT because it's more modern that paper is not.
Government ICT, and how it is used, has a key role to play in this.
He is best in ICT and writes many of his own programs.
He is known for his ICT policy work and online teaching.
The application and use of ICT in the outside world.
He now runs his own firm, working with culture and ICT.
ICT places new demands on education, and therefore also on teachers.
Indeed, knowledge of ICT is the best response we can give to this problem.
There is also a primary ICT laboratory in the building.
This form of working is particularly common in the ICT sector.