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The story also shows numerous parallels to similar myths of Baltic and Hittite mythology.
In Hittite mythology, Hanwasuit was the "throne-goddess" of the kings.
Aruna is a sea god in Hittite mythology, a son of the healing and magic goddess Kamrusepa.
In Hittite mythology, a huwasi stone is sacred to a deity and is usually situated in a temple.
They are called the Gul Ses (Gul-Shesh; Gulshesh; Gul-ashshesh) in Hittite mythology.
The stag was revered alongside the bull at Alaca Höyük and continued in the Hittite mythology as the protective deity whose name is recorded as KAL.
On the other hand, the Georgian historian, Giorgi Melikishvili, has advanced a theory identifying Armazi as the local variant of Arma, the god of the moon in the Hittite mythology.
Co-authored by Mark Teppo and John Murphy, the text explores Hittite mythology, focusing upon storm god mythos and includes a novelization of the script for the theatrical production by the same name.
The population of the Indo-European speaking Hittite Empire in Anatolia to a large part consisted of Hurrians and Hattians, and there is significant Hurrian influence in Hittite mythology.
An older legend relates the city's name to Adad (also known as Tesup or Ishkur), the Thunder God in the Akkadian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Hittite mythologies, who was believed to live in the nearby forest, and whose name was given to the region.