Clearly, wrestling's Nikolai Volkoff should get a hat tip as well.
Skeptics, though, said the hat tip was just a trick Onofre had learned to do by wiggling his scalp.
When you have to give a hat tip to McRumors of all places, it should be obvious that you're not doing actual journalism anymore.
(hat tip to John Marks for the stat).
It is considered good netiquette when sharing a link or news item to give a hat tip to the person from whom you learned of the item.
Councilman Catania will find something to like - as well as a cause for concern - in a study coming out today (hat tip to Feministing).
He also suggested that the hat tip was used for greeting a stranger, whereas the equivalent greeting for an acquaintance was the bow.
(With a hat tip to Colbert)
The military hand salute is thought to have originated as a stylized hat tip; while the civilian may return a salute via a hat tip.
Erase the evidence I've banned myself from smoking in my apartment and relegated my final cigarettes to outdoors (hat tip to commenter Veronica).