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According to some sources, the area was also part of the Great Moravia.
The settlement was included within the state of Great Moravia.
On the same place was a settlement from the Great Moravia period.
Traditionally, this is considered the end of the state Great Moravia.
The story of this opera takes place around year 894 in Great Moravia.
Its destiny after the fall of Great Moravia isn't known.
A small fortress was built here during the Great Moravia period.
The most important industry in Great Moravia was iron metallurgy.
In that time, the municipality and surroundings were part of the Great Moravia.
But the practice eventually threatened unity of Great Moravia.
Great Moravia had an exceptionally developed system of fortresses and fortified towns.
The language was standardized for the first time by the mission of the two apostles to Great Moravia in 863.
It was a military frontier zone against Great Moravia.
The latter exiled the disciples of the two brothers from Great Moravia in 885.
In the 9th-10th century, the Slovak-populated territories were part of the Great Moravia.
There are not many literary works that can be unambiguously identified as originally written in Great Moravia.
The castle is situated on the cliff near the river, and was used as a strategic outpost in Great Moravia.
It may have been a nascent state that merged into Great Moravia in the 830s and lost its separate existence around 900.
The Czechs were only part of Great Moravia for some seven years before splitting from it in 895.
The fate of the northern and western parts of former Great Moravia in the 10th century is thus largely unclear.
Some historians claim that the area was then ruled by Great Moravia, however, that is now disputed.
Their territory might have been conquered by Greater Moravia, though no conclusive evidence exists to prove this theory.
Great Moravia left behind a lasting legacy in Central and Eastern Europe.
The castle's name was first recorded in 907, during the fall of Great Moravia, as Brezalauspurc.
Their disciples were driven out of Great Moravia in AD 886.