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Behind the first great auk came another and then two more.
During summer, the Great Auk had a white patch over each eye.
The Great Auk was a large bird, that could not fly.
These include one of three Great Auk specimens prepared by him.
If the species dies out it will be Europe's first bird extinction since the great auk in 1844.
Extinct species include the Irish elk, the great auk and the wolf.
One of his novels tells how the Great Auk went extinct.
The word "penguin" originally referred to the great auk.
That's got to be rarer than the great auk."
Images of the Great Auk have been found in bone necklaces.
Penguins are as closely adapted to sea life as the great auk was, maybe more so.
The Great Auk was hunted on a significant scale for food, eggs, and its down feathers from at least the 8th century.
The Great Auk is also present in a wide variety of other works of fiction.
Banks also documented 34 species of birds, including the Great Auk, which became extinct in 1844.
His collection of Great Auk skeletons subsequently found its way into various public museums.
He moved back to London and remained until 1853, studying the Great Auk.
Of course, the great auk, a giant penguinlike ocean bird, was last seen in 1844.
Penguins got their name from the Great Auk.
Modern auks can fly (except for the recently extinct Great Auk).
At the same sale he also bought a Great Auk and an egg for just over £16.
I've already seen the great auk.
The Great Auk is one of the more frequently referenced extinct birds in literature.
In a similar flub, penguins received their name after being confused with a now extinct bird called the great auk.
The great auk and the dodo might still be alive today, if they had not been ectogenetic.
These were very limiting requirements and it is believed that the Great Auk never had more than 20 breeding colonies.