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How are we to come into the place where this great ape lives?
Our attitude to the great apes is so different today.
Do you think the great apes have any ambition to be human?
This means all of the great apes are now known to use tools.
Not much is known about great ape communication in the wild.
The only other animals known to have such cells are the great apes.
When the great apes were quite near, she suddenly called aloud.
The genetic structure of all the great apes is similar.
The great apes pursued them for a short distance and then turned back.
The great ape waddled once more to the girl's side.
Evidence for this asymmetry has also been seen in great apes.
If you want to see the great apes, arrange this in advance.
This concerns the common ancestor of man and the great apes.
Tarzan knew that to the great apes, all white men were bad.
Once the jungles of Africa were home to the great apes.
He did not think of them as men, but as great apes.
Yerkes also wrote a book in 1929 about the great apes.
The language of the great apes is not like our language.
Only the great apes will welcome the son of Tarzan.
The lions, of course, cannot tell us where it leads, and the great apes will not, for usually we are at war with them.
But the great ape was too quick for her.
Finally, some studies have examined emotional processing in the great apes.
The great apes nor the little monkeys long concentrated upon one idea.
Sandra fell to the ground while the great apes fought above and around her.
Like great apes, gibbons can also walk upright on the ground.