Unlike the Gray Fox it has no stripe along the length of its tail.
The new Metal Gear's pilot is revealed to be Gray Fox.
Called the Gray Fox, once, by some who knew him, or knew of him.
Hawks was nicknamed "The Gray Fox" by members of the Hollywood community.
Gray Fox ceased his resistance and went limp in his grandson's arms.
It was flung down to Gray Fox and the old man was not too weak to secure it about his waist.
It's time for Gray Fox to go home.
When the men started off together with Gray Fox between them, Greg fell into step beside Charlie.
I'd like to see where Gray Fox lives.
It may have been the ancestor of the modern Gray Fox.
Unlike the Gray Fox it has no stripe along the length of its tail.
The new Metal Gear's pilot is revealed to be Gray Fox.
Called the Gray Fox, once, by some who knew him, or knew of him.
Hawks was nicknamed "The Gray Fox" by members of the Hollywood community.
Gray Fox ceased his resistance and went limp in his grandson's arms.
It was flung down to Gray Fox and the old man was not too weak to secure it about his waist.
It's time for Gray Fox to go home.
When the men started off together with Gray Fox between them, Greg fell into step beside Charlie.
I'd like to see where Gray Fox lives.
It may have been the ancestor of the modern Gray Fox.