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The move gave the company's most expensive sedan a whole new graphic presentation.
Early on, for example, the company created a vivid three-dimensional graphic presentation of a city.
Graphics presentation and code development was done on a Tektronix 4010.
When the show debuted in 1997, such graphic presentations on television were quite rare.
It contains probably the earliest graphic presentation of the pulse.
You can see visuals, graphic presentations and movies from around the globe.
To put together a graphic presentation like that takes two weeks, at a minimum," Lewyn said.
A graphic presentation of audio units helping software developers to examine their results.
Couple this with its high-quality graphic presentation, and you end up with a product that no one should be without.
We've made detailed graphic presentations at publicly announced community board meetings, starting two years before any required public hearings.
"We were looking for originality and a sense of humor, as well as a good graphic presentation," he said.
This should also work perfectly happily on a 1512 system as it make no special demands on graphics presentation.
Abortion foes have built a successful case using graphic presentations of the "partial-birth" procedure.
The graphic presentation seemed to be lacking.
The story must succeed on its own, without the help of illustrations, graphic presentation of audio-visual media.
The projection did not seem to provide any more information than the probate records, but nonetheless the graphic presentation of the control hierarchy was interesting.
The Journal was given a privileged look at his diary, and this graphic presentation shows how those important appointments were slotted in.
The new tool is a two-week-old work in progress with a fairly simple graphic presentation that Drake hopes to improve.
And in both size and graphic presentation, the work is perversely, determinedly discreet.
A new, cleaner on-air graphics presentation for Mad Money also debuted on the same day.
"She'd grown from nothing to one of the leaders in the visual field and graphic presentation," Mr. Mills asserted.
There may be situations, too, where graphic presentations will be more effective than tabular presentations.
He notes that the parsley cannot be seen on the graphic presentation of the roasted duck with shallots confit in honey and ginger.
The site now offers links to more than 100 graphic presentations ranging from visual explanations of why the towers fell to interactive maps of Afghanistan.