Published in March 1814 by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, this historical novel with Gothic overtones set during the 1790s tells the story of a mysterious woman who attempts to support herself while hiding her identity.
A modern comic chamber opera with Gothic overtones, it tells of the beautiful, rich yet unfulfilled Carlotta McClure - and the passionate extremes everyone goes to in order to possess her.
From the moment a legend is retold as fiction its authentic legendary qualities begin to fade and recede: in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving transformed a local Hudson River Valley legend into a literary anecdote with "Gothic" overtones, which actually tended to diminish its character as genuine legend.
Although the plot of "Trick of the Eye" possesses enough twisty surprises and Gothic overtones to engage the reader's attention, the writing vacillates between the merely serviceable and the embarrassingly bad.
A third single, "Hooked on Love", failed to make the UK Top 40 and had a "Gothic" overtone that had been added in a post-production remix.
Of course, there are as many types of first novels as there are types of novels, and the type the Canadian poet Jane Urquhart has aspired to is one of the more modest: a genteel historical novel with Gothic overtones (but nothing overtly or vulgarly horripilating) concerning the inactions of abnormally sensitive individuals.
Musically it is more diverse than most punk albums, encompassing reggae, aggressive punk, funk, and a "slight Gothic overtone" similar to Allan's alternate band, Spy Glass Blue.
The designer translated his thinking into a collection of black metal pieces that boast not-so-subtle Gothic overtones, including chairs with Gothic-arch backs and candlesticks that would fit in a 19th-century priory.
Perhaps it was the Gothic overtones to the plot that led me to picture myself as might those who did not know me: detached, uninformed and uncaring, more interested in counting the house than the yards gained.
The band's dark and gloomy sound, which Martin Hannett described in 1979 as "dancing music with Gothic overtones", presaged the gothic rock genre.