Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Anybody who does not remember that is a fruit fly.
It is the second one that the team has found in fruit flies.
The power has little to no effect on killing fruit flies.
School was fruit flies and words, not reality, nothing like this.
It has also been done with other fruit flies and foods.
Genes for long life were first found in fruit flies.
Freddy is a fruit fly who has two weeks to live.
It can be used as a replacement of the fruit fly.
The fruit flies were pursuing me all the way down the street.
An example of this dependence is found in fruit flies.
The most extensive work has been carried out on fruit flies.
She is also well known for being able to clone fruit flies.
Fruit flies in the wild are quite hostile toward one another.
After you've finished the bananas, fruit flies go back outside.
He started with fruit flies - 2,706,967 of them to be exact.
Here, so clean you'd see a fruit fly a mile off.
Most fruit flies have red eyes but occasionally some appear with white ones.
Fruit flies, however, present an entirely different approach to prevention.
But mice are far harder to work with than fruit flies.
Come September, the fruit flies will be falling into the wine.
This other object I hold is a jar of fruit flies.
They make these sterile fruit flies to set loose around here.
Same goes for other creatures, like worms and fruit flies.
Similar comparative work is being done with fruit flies and mice.
"Fruit flies are great for this because we have all these genetic tools," he said.