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He advocates knowledge society, green technology, free culture movement and free software.
The most vocal criticism against the free culture movement comes from copyright proponents.
Within the free culture movement, Creative Commons has been criticized for lacking standards of freedom.
The free culture movement opposes practices such as copyright extensions and attempts at suppressing the 'fair use rights' by the traditional media industry.
Thus, its software was originally a kind of social and multiple-topic Sourceforge following the Free culture movement.
Creative Commons and the free culture movement have also been largely influenced by the free software movement.
Identifying with social movements such as the free culture movement and anarchism, Sandor is philosophically opposed to copyright laws.
Free culture movement, a social movement for free culture (inspired partly by the book)
Free culture movement is dedicated to creating and making available their art, allowing others to freely use, study, distribute and improve on the work of others.
As one of the first substantial books freely available for reuse on the Internet, Zen predated and helped to inspire the free culture movement.
According to its website, Students for Free Culture has four main functions within the free culture movement:
The Ada Initiative is a non-profit organization that seeks to increase women's participation in the free culture movement, open source technology and open culture.
A few months later, Lessig gave a talk on the ethics of the Free Culture Movement at the 2006 Wikimania conference.
The term "free culture" was originally the title of a 2004 book by Lawrence Lessig, considered a founding father of the free culture movement.
The free culture movement, with its ethos of free exchange of ideas, is of a whole with the free software movement.
His work in the culture sector and free culture movement has earned him the nickname "Janus de la transmission," by Le Magazine littéraire.
The free culture movement takes the ideals of the free software movement and extends them from the field of software to all cultural and creative works.
"Wikiversity; or education meets the free culture movement: An ethnographic investigation" by Norm Friesen, Janet Hopkins.
The student organization Students for Free Culture is sometimes confusingly called "the Free Culture Movement", but that is not its official name.
Munroe licenses his creations under the Creative Commons attribution-noncommercial 2.5, stating that it isn't just about the free culture movement, but that it also makes good business sense.
Because of obstacles in clearing the rights to Hanshaw's recordings for the Sita Sings the Blues, Paley took active part in the free culture movement.
Many of the early contributors to the site were familiar with the model of the free culture movement, and, like Wales, many of them sympathized with the open-source movement.
In addition, many elements of mashup culture have antecedents in hip hop and the DIY ethic of punk as well as overlap with the free culture movement.
Nicky, that went out the window when the free culture movement decided that anonymous and pseudonymous publishing rights were more important and cherished than accountability and credit where credit is due.
The free culture movement is a social movement that promotes the freedom to distribute and modify creative works in the form of free content by using the Internet and other forms of media.