Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
However, not all were convinced by Fermi's analysis of his results.
But Fermi requires there to have been a change of sign.
The density of states at the Fermi level does not play a special role.
Further results can be found in the article on the ideal Fermi gas.
Knocked out your boy Fermi once, in the second round.
The Fermi staff was kind enough to let me ride the elevator.
When Fermi told him, he wrote it on the top and two sides of the box in big black letters.
And besides, you couldn't bite down too hard on Fermi.
Education and public outreach are important components of the Fermi project.
"The problem is only one of efficiency and speed," added Fermi.
We look forward to your participation in Fermi mission cycle 5.
I'm sure Fermi is telling us something very profound about the nature of the universe we live in.
Enrico Fermi had also asked it a hundred years ago.
"How about the guy who's doing the experiments - Fermi?"
Fermi was naive about the way soldiers handled their job.
The critical value is known as the Fermi energy.
Fermi was born in Rome and went to a local grammar school.
But he seemed to have taken Fermi by surprise.
To make sure he did see to it, Fermi jotted a note to himself.
I think perhaps they may be more useful to us here," Fermi said slowly.
A mystery of first order Fermi processes is the injection problem.
Fermi wasn't quite right; it felt reassuring to find something that checked.
"What we really need is to build piles of more efficient design," Fermi said.
Fermi spoke with a thick accent, but he usually understood what you said to him.
The new unit is supposed to be built on the same site, slightly to the southwest of Fermi 2.