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Students may have the right to ask for their work to be considered by the external examiner.
He had long been associated with this college as an external examiner.
I can then get the external examiner plenty of time to read it."
He has been involved in teaching, lecturing and acting as an external examiner.
University complaints procedures and the system of external examiners should be strengthened.
Others feel that double marking is essential in order to be fair to students and external examiners.
He was an external examiner, visiting lecturer, and scientific journal editor.
In 2008, he was an external examiner for several university medical schools in several countries.
I've been external examiner there for several PhD students, and they have all done stellar work.
He has been an external examiner for colleges in Australia and Malaysia.
Britain's teachers too would welcome more use of external examiners, to lighten their workload.
Erm, because, if he, if you're worried about the external examiner.
Bockris, armed with a thesis, met the external examiner.
Nevertheless it was failed by her external examiner on the grounds that the topic had been unsuitable.
External examiners (to whom in these formative years we were heavily indebted) spoke well of what they saw.
External examiners work very hard for the Modular Course and play an important part in the progressive assessment of students.
She is an external examiner for Cambridge University.
Philip is also a guest external examiner at the Royal College of Music.
The standard of degrees is maintained by a cat's cradle of external examiners.
In a number of years he was external examiner in written English at secondary school and 9th - and 10th grade.
External examiners may be used more.
Some subjects such as Art and Technology involve a practical exam which is supervised by an external examiner.
He was also the external examiner for research papers on Marathi and Political Science.
He served as an external examiner for the Catholic University of Ireland for many years.
He was an external examiner at Edinburgh and Leeds Universities.