Besides its own transit operations, Metro operates ST Express bus and Central Link light rail service for Sound Transit.
Three Swebus Express (8070 3300; buses also run to/from Copenhagen each day (from Skr323).
The bus fare in local bus is 11 rs to Udupi and 14 rs in Express bus.
Limited buses take the same route as the regular line, while Express buses take a bypass route.
Is this station near either of the 2 stations that the Simple Express bus comes into and is it walking distance?
Problem: Express buses seem never to arrive for the rush hour crowds at city bus stops.
It takes about 90 minutes to reach Seoul by Express bus, if traffic conditions are favourable.
Then Mr. McCain's "Straight Talk Express" bus - now a campaign icon - rolled into the hangar and the candidate and his supporters popped out.
In December 2007, free wifi service was added to all Highway 17 Express buses.
For Aomori Airport(Express bus)