Together with the above-mentioned junior champions they formed a core of a dynasty of thriving times: Jokerit won Finnish championship in 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1997, and European Cup in 1995 and 1996, plus Finnish silver once and European bronze once.
Michael Maze won European bronze in singles in 2007.
Has won a silver and a bronze medal from several appearances at the World Championships, plus a European bronze.
The next season, they won European bronze and World silver medals.
Peter F. Fusco, the Getty's curator of European sculpture and works of art, described the acquisition this week as "the most important European bronze in the museum."
There's an inlaid Baldwin piano and copies of Sevres vases and European bronzes.
The Florida-based swimmer also boasts three Commonwealth silvers and a European bronze.
Even though Scandinavians joined the European Bronze Age cultures fairly late through trade, Scandinavian sites present rich and well-preserved objects made of wool, wood and imported Central European bronze and gold.
Even though Northern European Bronze Age cultures were fairly late, and came in existence via trade, sites present rich and well-preserved objects made of wool, wood and imported Central European bronze and gold.
They are also the 1965 World bronze medalists and the 1966 and 1968 World silver medalists, as well as the 1965 European bronze and 1966 silver medalists.