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There is also the Europe of the regions which remains hidden away.
We used to hear a lot about the Europe of the regions, a phrase less in use nowadays than a few years ago.
If we were to draw up the balance sheet right now, it would be the Europe of the regions and the cities.
It is in this way that integration can become a tool for integrating the Europe of the regions.
We need a constitution, we need a common foreign policy, but the Europe of the regions too must not be lost as a value.
The Europe of the regions is a principle on which the EU has long agreed.
It might be as much a shimmering dream as 'Europe of the Regions' but that does not diminish its power.
Mr Jacques Delors used to speak about the Europe of the regions.
The party program also emphasizes the protection of the environment, the defense of family values, a moderately liberal economic policy and the Europe of the regions.
I have no doubt this move is directly related to the President of the Commission's call for the development of a 'Europe of the regions'.
This federal Europe of the regions destroys nationhood, and is in tune with the wishes of the supporters of the global economy.
It is argued that a Europe must become a Europe of the regions not just a Europe of nation states.
Similarly, we so often speak of transfrontier areas, we have programmes for frontier zones and we are concerned to create a Europe of the regions.
Is this Europe of the regions, are the slogans "cultural diversity" and "the Europe of common language areas" no more than election promises?
'Europe of the Regions' and the Federalization of Europe".
In a Europe of the regions, GDP should continue to be the main criterion in determining regional eligibility for funding.
Since Europe is Europe of the regions and decentralisation is an irreversible process, the role of the people involved in local government is growing.
This is a budget which serves the reigning political utopia, the Europe of the regions, a step towards the planetary organization which sets the nations at nought.
I shall continue to do so because I see this as a dangerous precedent, opening the door to a Europe of the regions by stealth - something I totally reject.
The Greens believe (said the British manifesto) in a decentralized 'Europe of the Regions' which would develop into a Agalevn all-embracing confederation 'from Lappland to Armenia'.
Perhaps the SNP is moving in the same direction as its Welsh colleagues and is preparing to become a 'post nationalist party' that fully embraces the concept of Europe of the regions.
I hope agreement will be reached to postpone them for one month so that they take place on the same day, which will help raise turnout and make a legitimate connection, in the sense of a Europe of the regions.
Will he join me in welcoming that and will he agree with me that this demonstrates that countries and regions of the UK are finally taking their places in a Europe of the regions?
The fact that the Greens' 'Europe of the Regions' is little more than a nostalgic fantasy and their economic policies might rapidly place even organic small-holders in the same income bracket as Third World peasants was not important.
Our hope and expectation is that the package of regulations before us today, despite all the financing that has remained on stand-by, will actually help to implement a Europe of the regions with the people at the forefront of priorities.