There, they are joined by Ethiopian refugees, who flee political persecution or set off in search a better life in the Persian Gulf states.
A8 A family of Ethiopian refugees has suffered through years of failed farm policies, civil war, banditry and drought.
The British recruited a bodyguard for him from among the Ethiopian refugees in Khartoum.
Since the 1960s, the city has been the destination of large numbers of Ethiopian and Eritrean refugees fleeing conflict and war.
Priority would be given to the needs of Ethiopian and Somali refugees.
Fifteen formal complaints were lodged against a care worker and the superintendent of the home by the 11 residents, all of whom were Ethiopian refugees.
As well as the local population, there are 3,662 Ethiopian refugees in Aleri.
The international ministry of Project Mercy was started to provide emergency relief and relocation assistance to Ethiopian refugees.
Ethiopian refugees who would eventually settle in Australia began flowing out of their home country as early as the 1970s, when the Derg came to power.
Most Ethiopian refugees have 3-4 years of school attendance or less.