Among others, Catocala adultera, the Emperor Moth, and the endangered Xestia sincera were seen.
Elders are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Brown-tail, Buff Ermine, Dot Moth, Emperor Moth, the Engrailed, Swallow-tailed Moth and the V-pug.
Arbutus species are used as food plants by some Lepidoptera species including Emperor Moth, Pavonia pavonia.
Other animals which live at Les Landes include the European rabbit, western green lizard, slow worm, bank vole, Small Emperor Moth, Bloody-nosed beetle, and green tiger beetle.
The Small Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia) is a moth of the family Saturniidae.
This moth occurs throughout the Palearctic region and is the only member of its family to be found in the British Isles where it is usually called simply the Emperor Moth.
Spiraea species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Brown-tail, Emperor Moth, Grey Dagger, Hypercompe indecisa and Setaceous Hebrew Character.
Van Gogh Museum's title for this work is Emperor Moth.
Saturnia pavonia - Small Emperor Moth (sometimes in Eudia)
Lythrum species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Emperor Moth, The Engrailed (recorded on Lythrum salicaria), Hebrew Character and The V-pug.