Elizabeth Cole on February 10, 1677 and had three children.
Elizabeth Cole, a former chairman of the art department at the University of Toledo, headed the selection committee.
In fact, "Elizabeth Cole" is unbelievable from start to finish.
What could be a comic plot is earnestly recounted, and in the course of it Elizabeth Cole goes through some very hard times.
Elizabeth Cole (better known as Elizabeth Ashley; August 30 1939) is an American stage, television series and movie actress.
While this does not make it impossible that he should marry Elizabeth Cole, who is thirty-five, it certainly makes it exceptional.
Felicity Merriman and Elizabeth Cole from the American Girl series.
Elizabeth Cole came to Town Lake and had a pre-adoption consultation with Mollaghan to discuss what she was looking for in a dog.
"We basically got him for our son," Elizabeth Cole told me, smiling broadly.
He married Elizabeth Cole of Dover.