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"A lot of it has to do with deferred maintenance over the years," he said.
"Deferred maintenance is a sign of real problems," she said.
More than two-thirds of that money went toward deferred maintenance.
The figure reflects years of deferred maintenance for criminal justice.
"There has been a lot of deferred maintenance over the years.
And none of this counts major deferred maintenance for the military.
If your body is a temple, you can pile up too much deferred maintenance.
Deferred maintenance results in greater risk to operators of machinery.
"The systems in the building are worn out, and there's a lot of deferred maintenance at the location."
The property became a victim of general deferred maintenance and neglect.
"You can see it in the deferred maintenance at hotels.
The house sat vacant for two years and deferred maintenance caused damage to the home.
Some want to catch up on deferred maintenance and turn a decent profit.
During the summer of 2008, $10 million went toward campus upgrades and deferred maintenance.
Over time, deferred maintenance took its toll on both track and rolling stock.
"Fix the corridor up and get rid of this deferred maintenance."
The heavy wartime traffic and deferred maintenance took its toll.
However, the house had begun to deteriorate in the 1940s due to deferred maintenance.
"Without increased personnel, we can expect deferred maintenance and the need for continued capital expense in much of the park system."
In recent years the deferred maintenance issues meant these services operated under heavy speed restrictions.
Almost all the bridges are victims of deferred maintenance.
This deferred maintenance is part of the asbestos story.
By the 1950s, years of deferred maintenance had led to the station buildings becoming dilapidated.
Also try to determine whether the association has the financial reserves to pay for major "deferred maintenance" projects such as a new roof.
"The reason universities haven't gone bankrupt is that they've deferred maintenance on buildings," he said.