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It is associated with the decadent movement of the late 19th century.
The entire ballet is set in that same era, when the Decadent movement was making itself felt.
The Decadent movement was a transitional stage between romanticism and modernism.
He is associated with the Decadent movement.
She is considered by contemporary critics a participant in the Decadent movement and Naturalism.
Skerlić used his influence to fight any egoistic or decadent movement energetically.
The Symbolist movement has frequently been confused with the Decadent movement.
He was a member of the decadent movement in literature, as well as a revolutionary socialist in politics.
The Decadent movement was a late 19th-century artistic and literary movement of Western Europe.
In literature and other arts the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century is often called the "Decadent movement".
The other side of the struggle would be represented by the Aesthetic, Symbolist or Decadent movement.
His work, especially the 1906 volume, A Book of Masks, had deep affiliations with the decadent movement in literature.
As part of the decadent movement, he influenced modern literature, music, and arts, and prefigured surrealism.
Howard borrowed many feature of his fiction from the decadent movement, such as black magic, accursed jewels, snake figures and more.
The late 19th century also saw the Decadent movement in France and the British Aesthetic movement.
While at Magdalen College, Wilde became particularly well known for his role in the æsthetic and decadent movements.
Due to the ancient tradition about him, Elagabalus became something of an (anti-)hero in the Decadent movement of the late 19th century.
A representative of Polish Parnassianism and symbolism, he is also regarded as belonging to the Decadent movement.
His work, with its themes of orientalism, androgyny and paganism, had deep affiliations with the Decadent movement in literature.
He also published work of the Decadent movement such as Monsieur Vénus by Rachilde.
Von Bayros belonged to the Decadent movement in art, often relying on erotic themes and phantasmagoric imagery.
This was associated with the Decadent movement, in particular, with Aubrey Beardsley and the Yellow Book.
Most modernists disdained the villanelle, which became associated with the overwrought formal aestheticism of the 1890s; i.e. the decadent movement in England.
First considered part of Naturalism in literature, he became associated with the decadent movement with his publication of À rebours.
Gorky and Serafimovich, on one hand, used socialist realism; Andreyev and certain others, however, were subject to the influences of the decadent movement.