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"They wanted to stop the biography because it's about a dead white male," he said.
She has been able to structure the discourse to her advantage, just like a dead white male.
It is, in fact, the recommendation that killed nearly all the dead white male authors.
If we perform only dead white male composers we're not getting that message across.
A final criticism of the program is that its reading list includes too many dead white males.
But the group's tastes are so catholic that it will even play the occasional dead white male.
Did I think dead white males enjoyed being dropped out of the curriculum at all the best colleges?
"Why should dead white male liberals be for Quayle?"
To write it off as dead white male patriarchy is just a piece of suicide."
"More than 800,000 copies of a book by a historian on dead white males with footnotes have been sold," he said.
So this year again, by popular demand, we will be reading the same old texts, all by dead white males.
Q. Museums, like other cultural institutions, have been accused of focusing on works by "dead white males."
Social history deals with people in the streets, which by necessity shifts focus away from dead white males to conflicts and victims.
Even a dead white male like Janacek seemed personable, earthy and alive.
"Then, with feminism, she was thrust to the fore, and he was just another dead white male."
'We have a dead white male with no identification.
For historians, too, the choice was easy: for the neglected minorities and against the dominant dead white males.
Dead White Males is a 1995 play by David Williamson.
Emerson, unfortunately, is a dead white male, and some think the past he refers to is a hegemonic lie.
All were dead white males.
Here Mr. Bloom tries to show us the enduring relevance of certain dead white males.
"I can evisage someone being very angry with the dead white males, but I find it extraordinarily difficult to do so," he said.
These dead white males actually believe the raves the history books used to give them before historians shaped up and revised history into proper shape.
Dead white males.
I also thought how some of the great dead white males of the much maligned canon might sound, reintoned: It was really dark?
But what happened to multicultural disdain for dead white European males?
Certainly, he loved what are now disparagingly called the Dead White European Males.
The work of dead white European males, even living ones, is widely scorned as stodgy and un-American if not sexist and racist.
What's the use of wiping out the name Columbus if your new holiday name honors another dead white European male, Amerigo Vespucci?
The Oldest Dead White European Males, And Other Reflections on the Classics.
The subject of the Columbia University class was the "Republic," a dialogue on justice and the ideal state written by a dead white European male named Plato.
I confess to calling Shakespeare et al. "dead white European males," but I don't confess to disparaging the talent and verbosity of these authors.
But Mr. Knox's most eloquent claim for the relevance of the oldest dead white European males is his observation that they will always win in any free competition.
Pocahontas wasn't a Dead White European Male (in case you're not familiar with the current acronym) but she is definitely PC (Politically Correct).
Mr. Knox does mount such a defense, to be sure, particularly in the first of his three pieces, the title essay, "The Oldest Dead White European Males."
And there was no question that the name he gave the speech he will deliver Thursday in Washington is likely to be controversial: "Oldest Dead White European Males."
Is Tolstoy a great artist who speaks to the world, or a DWEM (dead white European male) who is representative of a Eurocentric cultural bias?
Traditionalists assail multiculturalists as "Visigoths in Tweed," while radical reformers complain about the hegemony of DWEM's (that is, dead white European males).
Politics Columbia is a battleground in the campus culture wars: Defenders of the core curriculum have kept it largely intact, while opponents deride the emphasis on "dead white European males" and have pushed to diversify.
They are also a lot less intellectually offensive than the efforts by new-wave academics to ghettoize writers like Melville and Conrad as outdated DWEM's (that is, Dead White European Males).
Bernard Knox, The Oldest Dead White European Males and Other Reflections on the Classics (1993) (reprint, W. W. Norton & Company, 1994), ISBN 978-0-393-31233-1.
The new plan is one of the most far reaching in the country in its attempt to expose students to the experiences and contributions of people other than those of what many in academia disparagingly refer to as "dead white European males."
It is no accident that he has drawn from the greatest-hits chart of Dead White European Males, no more of an accident than ArtsLit's location on the verdant and venerable campus of Brown University.
Dead white males or Dead White European Males (DWEM) is a derogatory term that refers to the disproportionate academic focus on contributions to historical and contemporary Western civilization made by European males.
W. W. Norton & Company The title of Bernard Knox's stimulating new book, "The Oldest Dead White European Males: And Other Reflections on the Classics," is a bit of a tease.
Western core advocates and universities that embrace the "Great Books" - disparagingly referred to by some as works by Dead White European Males, or DWEM - argue that certain universal truths speak to all generations of students.
Literature professors, Busch rants, tolerate writers, though they know that if Chaucer were to apply for a job, he would not be hired "because he is a dead white European male and because his degree isn't good enough, and because he doesn't do theory."
Those who attack the classics of "dead white European males" have rarely shown understanding or appreciation of the great Asian classics by writers and thinkers of another color (whether dead or alive depends on whether you are alive to what they have to say).
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