Dillard takes on a Darwinian perspective on affect: it evolved out of a need for survival.
Vewed from a traditional Darwinian perspective, this does not seem to make sense.
Veblen is famous in the history of economic thought for combining a Darwinian evolutionary perspective with his new institutionalist approach to economic analysis.
"A Darwinian perspective may train people to be on the alert, to have their antennae out," he said.
Origins of genius: Darwinian perspective on creativity.
Consciousness is an evolved characteristic, which means it is a helpful characteristic from a Darwinian perspective.
From a Darwinian perspective, self-destruction would be an ironic outcome of evolutionary success.
A. The understanding that comes from a Darwinian perspective with regard to cancers is mainly discouraging.
Cancers of women's reproductive tracts are a special case where a Darwinian perspective may produce some rapid and tangible benefits.
But from a Darwinian perspective, they are also a bit challenged.