Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Such courier services are the only way to get letters in and out.
Do you think the courier service is for your personal amusement?
The company has been testing the program for three years, he said, and is using 24 courier services to provide the service.
He told her about the arrangements he'd made with the courier service.
One area where we are still undecided is courier services.
She picked up the telephone and asked for a courier service.
"We are becoming just like any other courier service," one official said.
The Army said that in every case it used overnight courier services.
And we told her what courier service to use.
One of its activities was to provide a courier service for cargo defense plants.
No one there was the kind of person who would be offering a transport or courier service.
I've got the courier service on standby, waiting for your address.
The State Department will bear the cost for the courier service.
The state postal service is complemented by private courier services.
Daily Courier services are provided by three major companies.
However, applicants are free to use other courier service providers if they wish.
He was new to the royal courier service, and full of his own self-importance.
We're getting organized, the courier service is a fact.
He paid about $32 for courier service in both directions.
How much do you know about our courier service?"
It would take them ten times as long just to dial the phone for the courier service."
The program is about bicycle courier services in the city of New York.
Some courier services also refused to cross the line.
We recommend that you send your application by registered courier service.
"First we need to find a courier service to get those tissue samples back to the States.