He is regarded as the founder of West Germany's counterintelligence service, which he headed for seven years.
Yeltsin told the security officers that success in waging the battle against economic crime would raise the prestige of the counterintelligence service in Russian society.
"The counterintelligence service must always have preventive information on potential threats to state security," he said.
Their counterintelligence service knows who he is, but they're not running any sort of case on him.
The fifth section was formed as a counterintelligence service against foreign agent networks in Yugoslavia; that is, foreign intelligence services.
(In 1946, this section merged with the new third section, which was created after the military counterintelligence service became independent).
Soviet intelligence practice was to avoid such people in the actual clandestine operations, regarding them at most useful as distractions to the counterintelligence services.
Tasking counterintelligence services or secret police to protect the nation from internal threats.
What better way to run agents in any foreign country than first to establish a network within the country's counterintelligence services?
Heydrich's counterintelligence service grew into an effective machine of terror and intimidation.