Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
"But you'd never find a cork oak in these parts.
Together, they settled upon a location near a grove of cork oak trees.
The cork oak has a life expectancy of 150 years and is stripped 12 or 13 times during its lifetime.
It will take more time where cork oaks are concerned - 40 years - than for fir trees.
Much of its municipal term is covered with pine and cork oak trees.
Cork Oak forests cover approximately 2.5 million hectares in those countries.
Cork Oaks live about 150 to 250 years.
Natural stands of cork oak can support diverse ecosystems.
Cork oaks are sometimes planted as individual trees, providing a minor income to their owners.
The cause is a mold that thrives in the bark of the cork oak tree.
Soon they were threading their way among bushes eight or ten feet high, with a scattering of cork oak.
Did cork oak have a smell, because he could not identifyit.
Imported specimens include the large cork oaks on the property planted by Lick himself.
The bark from cork oak can be stripped about every 10 years without the trees having to be cut down.
Cork, for example, comes from the bark of cork oak trees.
Cork Oaks are sometimes planted as individual trees.
The town also contains the largest living cork oak tree in California, which was planted in 1858.
"Francis, does the cork oak grow in the southern provinces in Spain?"
The town is surrounded by the cork oak forests and vineyards which form the twin bases of its economy.
Cork is the bark of cork oak tree, from Mediterranean countries.
The bark of the cork oak is used to produce wine stoppers (corks).
Who cares for cork oaks, in any event?"
A wine bottle stopper made from the thick outer bark of the cork oak tree.
Silvery green cork oaks dot the dry, straw-colored landscape.
Barring serious accident, the cork oak regenerates its valuable outer layer every 9 or 10 years.