Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
If you have a complaint about our consular service, please let us know.
Most consular services will be by appointment only beginning from January 9, 2011.
You need to make an appointment for routine consular services.
Consular service phone numbers and e-mail addresses will remain the same.
For information about other consular services to Americans abroad go to our home page http://travel.state.gov.
We will support British nationals around the world through modern and efficient consular services.
Casement retired from the consular service in the summer of 1913.
Please note that we can only offer limited consular services in Ekaterinburg.
Retired from consular service in 1877 and was knighted the same year.
Effective immediately, all consular services are by prearranged appointment only.
The Consulate has got 22 employees and citizens will be provided the entire amount of consular services.
These constituent posts offer only limited emergency consular services for Americans.
He had come back from India; reentered the consular service, then retired.
Are you unhappy with our passport or consular services?
As secretary, Root placed the consular service under the civil service.
As a result many restrictions that apply to visa applications and consular services will remain.
Jamaicans can therefore avoid travelling to London to access consular services.
Certain countries may have agreements to provide limited consular services to the citizens of other countries.
The most significant improvement, according to a State Department spokeswoman, will be in the quality of consular service.
Nor will the mission offer consular services immediately.
While the Embassy's ability to provide emergency consular services has improved since the earthquake, it is still limited.
Limited consular services provided to Ethiopian workers abroad continued to be a weakness in the government's efforts.
Wilkinson spoke fluent Japanese as a result of this time in consular service.
Diplomatic and consular service appointments fell on those with the financial means to sustain their work abroad.
He oversaw the consular service and issues surrounding Polish citizens abroad.