Column A shows you how much you will pay per thousand pounds of your loan (for mortgages of up to and including £30,000).
For loans over £30,000, multiply the figure in Column A by 30.
So maybe it's Column A: Peake and Crimmins still are colluding.
What if you got two from Column A and one from Column B?
They pick anybody from Column A because they detest the other party.
All the expenses pertaining directly to the office (Lines 9 to 21, Column A) are also deductible.
The Supreme Court agreed, and held that all seven should be listed together in Column A, in random order.
Column A of Table 1 lists a measure of this with standard deviations.
Despite the two hour delay, the assault elements of Column A and B were in position just before dawn on 8 March 1916.
Delamain's Column A reached its position on time, but then had to wait, in the hopes that Houghton's force would reach their jumping off point soon.