"Big Colombian export to the States."
The situation changed completely in 1920 as demand for and prices of Colombian exports fell, while imports increased.
The sanctions could include eliminating preferential tariffs on Colombian exports or cutting landing rights at airports in the United States.
Despite these early developments, the consolidation of coffee as a Colombian export did not come about until the second half of the 19th century.
American moves to block Colombian exports of cut flowers are probably less damaging - but also harder to defend in economic terms.
Plantains are less important than bananas as a Colombian export but have a larger output share, representing 5.2 percent of agricultural GDP in 2006.
SAY "Colombian exports" and most people will think of cocaine or coffee - or books, bananas and oil.
The prospect of such a deal may have helped to boost Colombian exports to Mexico by 27% last year.
The growth in Colombian exports has taken place largely in the decade since 1991, when the the Andean Trade Preference Act was passed.
By 1982, cocaine surpassed coffee as an export, making up 30% of all Colombian exports.