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They went on to become a Christian state for some 260 years.
Could there be such a thing as a Christian state?
Albania would remain a Christian state until the 8th century.
But, look, if they wanted a Christian state they could have done it.
For some in this Christian state the biblical aspects of the plague and famine come to mind.
I would object to the United States as a Christian state.
Jerusalem had fallen in 1244, and Acre was now the centre of the Christian state.
What happens if a Christian State breaks a solemn treaty?
This evolved into the Christian state of Nobatia by the fifth century.
But how to deal with it and encourage loyalty, impose discipline upon the people of the future notional Christian state?
I am Christian, and this is a Christian state.
He established an independent Christian state in opposition to Moorish hegemony.
Madraiwiwi has since reiterated that proposals to establish a Christian state ignore the potential for division and conflict.
Some Methodist Church authorities have continued to advocate the establishment of a Christian state.
Huronia was to be such a Christian State in North America.
Some harbor the irrational fear that Christians want to establish a theocratic Christian state.
Even the possibility of declaring Fiji a theocratic Christian state was proposed in the past.
Muslim powers became increasingly concerned about the rapid rise of a Christian state in southern Caucasia.
The Lombards were a different matter, for they were a Christian state in Italy.
The pure Christian State is a State in which theological law prevails.
The Duchy of Normandy was therefore formally a Christian state from its foundation.
Creepsylvania becomes a fundamentalist Christian state while Ghoul waits to get revenge.
Indeed, he was murdered by assassins believed to have been trained in the United States, a supposedly Christian state.
The letter was written at a time that saw the organization and transformation of the Frankish Kingdom into a large Christian state.
However, he also clarifies in the letter that his support of the petition is merely tactical, to further his efforts at weakening the Christian state.