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Think you know what goes on in these chop shops?
He is now working at a chop shop with his brother.
Right across the street used to be a taxi chop shop.
We've even caught their boys in a couple, but those were going to chop shops down here.
"Your car turned up at a chop shop," he said.
The chop shop will likely be more familiar with these devices.
The district attorney's office said it was not sure how long the chop shop activity had been going on.
I happen to know you're on parole, and you'll be in a lot of trouble if they find out about that chop shop.
And it was up on blocks in the backyard of a chop shop.
Used as a chop shop and to discuss criminal operations.
If the police raid a chop shop and find the door, the card will tell them whom to call.
My bet is that they left it at some local chop shop where it's being parted out.
"Could be anything from drugs to a chop shop, I don't know."
"It was on these chop shops that take cars apart.
Any physical evidence the vehicles might've yielded was now in a dozen chop shops around the city.
The cars were removed to a local chop shop and the new masters retired for the night.
The gang's chop shops began being raided in January 1972.
However, most of the crime associated with this area is related to car theft and chop shops.
A chop shop must be able to take apart a car without damaging the parts and keep them organized.
"I wonder what the boys in the chop shop will do when they strip it down and find all those bugs."
The guy who owns the chop shop gave me the Jeep free and clear, though."
"It's a newspaper family with a tradition of journalism, not a corporate chop shop."
It used to be chop shops or joy riding.
It becomes apparent that they work at a chop shop and attempt to steal the Judge.
Felicia tells the police about the chop shop location and the couple are arrested.