However, as China's economy converted from socialism to state capitalism, Chinese attitudes towards foreign aid also changed.
Russian and Chinese attitudes are considered crucial, the diplomats said.
That says all about Chinese attitude regarding what's real (and fake) economy.
The judge said he did not treat the man more harshly, in part, because of testimony that Chinese attitudes toward adultery helped explain the crime.
So far, vehement protests by the main western importers, also at government level, have not influenced the Chinese attitude.
The phenomenon had seen average housing prices in the country triple from 2005 to 2009, possibly driven by both government policies and Chinese cultural attitudes.
A complete training system should also provide insight into Chinese attitudes and culture.
What is needed is a change in the Chinese attitude.
Of course there are some positive features in the Chinese attitude which have also been noted in the common resolution.
Chinese attitudes toward women appear fraught with contradictions and complexities.