For me, it provides everything that is Chicago architecture: designs that are monumental and in context.
Coinciding with the show is Material Evidence, an investigation of the part played by building materials in Chicago architecture today.
Be sure to step into the free attached Museum of Historic Chicago Architecture (a work in progress).
In its thoughtfulness and integrity, Kleihues's design evokes the golden age of Chicago architecture.
There, a video screen presents a sequence of images of recognizable Chicago architecture and attractions with musical accompaniment.
Chicago Architecture and Design, 1923-1993: Reconfiguration of an American Metropolis.
Ideally, a guidebook should give you just enough information to get you in the door, and then suggest a good text on Chicago architecture if you're still interested.
It was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 1976, for its Chicago school-influenced architecture.
We captured some local Chicago architecture and a dog exploring a fountain; we even tested the close-focusing limits of the lens on some tiny flowers.
Chicago architecture was receiving new recognition thanks to the success of the "White City" at the World's Columbian Exposition.