The Cardinal Virtues are often depicted as female allegorical figures and were a popular subject for funerary sculpture.
In many churches and artwork the Cardinal Virtues are depicted with symbolic items:
On the upper storey stand his Cardinal Virtues.
It is the habitation of Virtue and her daughters, the four Cardinal Virtues.
DeMolay has seven Cardinal Virtues, which constitute the basic ideals and essential teachings of the organization.
There are also allusions to the Four Cardinal Virtues, and medallions with scenes of the Resurrection.
The "Cardinal Virtues" The previous section was originally composed to be given as a short talk on the air.
On either side of the gateway are two gothic towers, with sculptures of the Cardinal Virtues.
The four Cardinal Virtues, with their attributes after the same.
The two scenes on the fourth wall, executed by the workshop, and the lunette above it, containing the Cardinal Virtues, were painted in 1511.