Caught by bad weather, Lançarote arrived at Cape Blanc with only nine ships still together, the remaining having strayed off.
They traversed the area between Cape Blanc and Cape Bojador, reaching Adrar after a journey of 900 km.
She spent a fortnight investigating an up-welling off Cape Blanc, then calling at Gibraltar before arriving on 19 June 1969 for a refit at Chatham.
The pearl stingray is found along the western coast of Africa, from Cape Blanc in Mauritania to Angola.
Gonçalves returned to Portugal immediately after the slave raid, but Nuno Tristão continued south, reaching as far as Cape Blanc (Cabo Branco), before turning back.
In 1443, Nuno Tristão was sent out by Henry again, and pressed beyond Cape Blanc to reach the Bay of Arguin.
Turning back to regroup, repair and re-equip in early 1652, Rupert's reduced force moored at Cape Blanc, an island near what is now Mauritania.
Meduse was crippled by counterattacks and beached off Cape Blanc.
In 1884, Spain claimed a protectorate over the coast from Cape Bojador to Cape Blanc, and the area was later extended.
Méduse was beached and lost on 10 November 1942 off Cape Blanc, after being attacked by Allied aircraft.