They said two of the dead appeared from their clothing to be Buddhist monks.
The marchers, believed to be Buddhist monks in street clothes, did not resist arrest.
Have you ever heard about Korean Buddhist monks' "having food style."
There were also Buddhist monks with a subordinate function who were denied the right to marry.
East and Central Asian Buddhist monks are recorded as having visited the kingdom.
The short, fat, Buddhist monk appeared.
However most of them do not remain Buddhist monks for life.
Around that time, many men took tonsure to be Buddhist monks in order to avoid taxation and labor.
All four writers must have been Buddhist monks, residing in a monastery near Kucā.
From this time, a marked tendency for Korean Buddhist monks to be "three teachings" exponents appeared.
It is used to dye Buddhist monks' robes because the color is a deep tone of saffron, the traditional color used for the robes of Theravada Buddhist monks.
On 16 March 1997 beginning at about 3:30 p.m., a mob of 1,000-1,500 Buddhist monks and others shouted anti-Muslim slogans.
Burmese Buddhist monks organized tax resistance and other forms of civil disobedience against British colonial rule during the 1920s.
During this time Buddhist monks remain in a single place, generally in their temples.
On 16 March 1997 beginning at about 3:30 p.m., following reports of an attempted rape by Muslim men, a mob of about 1,000-1,500 Buddhist monks and others gathered in Mandalay.
But eventually heretic Buddhist monks focused on destroying Yokai appeared, as Tohno and the kind monk ran, he sealed her to protect her, when the heretics would disappear.
In Asia, it is frequently used to dye Buddhist monks' robes.
In traditional Sinhalese society Buddhist monks are placed at the top; in fact, monks were considered not to be a part of the laymen society.
Arakanese Buddhist monks protested hunger strike in Rangoon (now: Yangon) against the Mujahids.
These elements tend to indicate the importance of Buddhism within Greek communities in northwestern India, and the prominent role Greek Buddhist monks played in them, probably under the sponsorship of Menander.