The Japanese accused six Chinese men living in the British concession of being involved in the assassination.
In 1928 Zaifeng moved to Tianjin, where he lived in the British and Japanese concessions.
But the Administration can be expected to demand offsetting British concessions.
The United Kingdom dispatched 16,000 servicemen to defend the British concession in Shanghai.
To the north was the British concession, later part of the Shanghai International Settlement.
In 1902 this informal American territory became part of the British concession.
So for safety the revolutionaries convened their first conference at the British concession in Hankou on November 30.
Most downtown area alongside the Yangtze River was ceded as the British concession.
The one important British concession was to remove the last of their troops from forts in the northwest by the end of the year.
An area of Tianjin administered on a de facto basis between 1869-1880 under the aegis of the British concession.