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Bighorn sheep sometimes come down from the mountains during the day.
A bighorn sheep lay in a field not far from here, its head missing.
Watch for bighorn sheep, deer and elk on the road.
A herd of bighorn sheep was established there in 1965.
Below right A male bighorn sheep with a particularly fine set of horns.
There are also small populations of bighorn sheep and mountain goats.
Mountain goats and bighorn sheep are commonly seen at the park.
Bighorn sheep usually live 10-15 years in the wild.
In 1980, desert bighorn sheep populations were estimated at 8,415-9,040.
High on a slope opposite I saw a half dozen bighorn sheep watching me.
Bald eagles make the mountains west of town their home, as do bighorn sheep.
The most popular subjects are bighorn sheep, deer, and antelope.
The Mountain bighorn sheep can go for extended periods of time without drinking water.
Deer, elk, black bear and bighorn sheep are hunted in the area.
The country is also a mecca for hunters, with abundant bighorn sheep.
"There is the potential for the reintroduction of bighorn sheep.
It may have been named for the Bighorn Sheep that once lived in the area.
In bighorn sheep, however, subordinates occasionally win a fight for a female.
The last unmanaged population of Texas desert bighorn sheep was shot or died about 1958.
It was open, unprotected country, but bighorn sheep are mostly indifferent to cold.
By contrast, desert bighorn sheep might be expected to stick close to the mountains where they find their water.
The area is occasionally visited by bighorn sheep and a rare mountain lion.
Bighorn sheep prefer the rocky cliffs of the refuge's west side.
Desert bighorn sheep and mule deer also call the refuge home.
A herd of desert bighorn sheep also live there.
And that evening he killed a mountain sheep near the spring.
It is also where a female mountain sheep live.
In the morning, he photographed a nearby herd of mountain sheep.
The mutton smelled almost as though from mountain sheep, but not quite.
It is a member of the alpine mountain sheep breeds.
But the beast was sure- footed as a mountain sheep.
Outside, several times in the past few hours, he had seen the droppings of either mountain sheep or deer.
Of these most except for the mountain sheep continue to live upon the mountain today.
The mountain sheep are still common in the surrounding area, and can often be seen on the shores of nearby lakes.
It wasn't his first mountain sheep; he'd killed others in the United States.
If he could kill a mountain sheep he would have both meat and the hide.
Containers of various kinds were made of mountain sheep horn.
The only game animal around here that they cannot overpower is the ibex, a large mountain sheep.
The world's largest mountain sheep, the Argali, can be seen in the area.
"Some of the mountain sheep have black patches."
He could manage to make safe ground out of a ledge a mountain sheep could not handle.
Once he believed he saw something stir down there, but it could have been nothing more than a coyote or a mountain sheep.
Made by Indians, no doubt, or by mountain sheep.
Then, just over the hill from this noisy devastation, a mountain sheep buck and some of his does calmly crossed the road.
If two mountain sheep of markedly different size meet each other, the smaller one will behave as a subordinate and retreat.
Twenty or thirty feet over their heads, seagulls make a sound almost like mountain sheep bleating.
The next morning, mountain sheep would gambol and pose against this craggy backdrop.
Otherwise it is of similar type to other Welsh Mountain Sheep.
Mountain lions are successful hunters, and they can eat almost anything from mountain sheep to plants.
We started up the steep mountainside covered with trees, and followed a sort of trail made by deer or mountain sheep.
The rams have a curled horn similar to Rocky Mountain Sheep.
A ram is a male Rocky Mountain Sheep.
She lined up the crosshairs as carefully as a man taking down a Rocky Mountain sheep from half a mile, and thumbed the control.
And in this wildlife-worshipping state, Rocky Mountain sheep are nearly as sacrosanct as cows are in India.
The only residents are elk, the endangered grizzly bear, black bear, Rocky Mountain sheep with their curled horns, white mountain goats, eagles and dozens of other species.
The interior featured Sienna marble columns, and mosaic floors with the staircase accented with bronze castings of Rocky Mountain Sheep heads.
A pair of Indiana limestone sculptures of Rocky Mountain sheep commissioned from Denver artist Gladys Caldwell Fisher (1907-1952) sit at the southwest entrance.
A band of approximately 300 Western Shoshone, (Turakina or Tukuaduku), were known as the Sheepeaters because of their proficiency in hunting Rocky Mountain sheep.
Among her better known works are two Rocky Mountain sheep created as part of a WPA art program for the Byron White United States Courthouse in Denver, in 1936.
As Rocky Mountain sheep watched from the saw-toothed ridgeline of the Continental Divide, skiers and snowboarders happily waited 15 minutes in line for the privilege of zipping down three short runs.
According to the Time magazine review of the film, the cast including extras totaled 68,894 people; it also featured 7,959 animals, "including four ostriches, six skunks, 15 elephants, 17 fighting bulls, 512 rhesus monkeys, 800 horses, 950 burros, 2,448 American buffalo, 3,800 Rocky Mountain sheep and a sacred cow that eats flowers on cue."
The North American bighorn sheep may approach comparable weights but is normally considerably outsized by the argali.
Compared to some of today's big hitters, such as the Northern American bighorn sheep, Stegoceras' head was able to withstand the most stress.
The snow sheep is related to the North American bighorn sheep and Dall's sheep, and some zoologists consider it a subspecies of this sheep.
The North American bighorn sheep, for example, whose ancestors arrived in America via the Bering Strait, act in distinctly more juvenile ways than do the Stone's sheep of British Columbia, the more primitive types they descended from.
In the 1980's conservation groups and Federal and state wildlife agencies cooperated to protect the sheep's winter range, and in 1993 the North American Bighorn Sheep Center was established in Dubois to educate visitors about bighorn sheep and run wildlife tours out to Whiskey Mountain.
Ovis canadensis (bighorn sheep) are known to graze this grass.
The bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) is a species of sheep.
Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)
Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) is a species of sheep in North America with large horns.
The wilderness protects habitat that supports the largest herd of Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) in the country.
Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) were once very numerous in western United States and were an important food source for humans.
In a genetic testing, it was found that there are three subspecies of bighorn sheep, one of which, is endangered (Ovis canadensis sierrae).
Recent genetic testing indicates three distinct subspecies of Ovis canadensis, one of which is endangered: O. c. sierrae.
Lewis and Clark recorded numerous sightings of Ovis canadensis in the journals of their exploration-sometimes using the name argalia.
Early taxonomic schemes included herds from British Columbia to southern California in a broader subspecies Ovis canadensis californiana.
Also at the species level, current taxonomy is questionable because hybridization between Ovis dalli and Ovis canadensis has been recorded in recent evolutionary history.
As at many other archeological sites in the region, significant numbers of Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) and deer from the genus Odocoileus were identified.
The taxonomy of Ovis canadensis continues to be refined as new genetic and morphologic data become available, but most scientists currently recognize these subspecies of bighorn:
Desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni), occurring throughout the southwestern desert regions of U.S. and Mexico.
The Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Ovis canadensis, was adopted as the official state animal on May 1, 1961 by an act of the General Assembly.
Access is limited because the area is considered habitat for the Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) which is endangered.
However, the course of infection is similar in guinea pigs, rabbits, bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) that were infected experimentally.
Audubon's Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis auduboni), also known as the Badlands bighorn, is an extinct subspecies of bighorn sheep.
The desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) is a subspecies of bighorn sheep found in the desert Southwest United States and the northern regions of Mexico.
More recent genetic testing has indicated that O. c. californiana consists of only a small population located in the southern and central Sierra Nevada, hence should be renamed Ovis canadensis sierrae.
The Vizcaíno is also the habitat of the Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni), Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus peninsulae), and dozens of resident and migratory birds.
Many flora and fauna species within the national monument are state and federal listed threatened or endangered species, including the Peninsular Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis cremnobates), a subspecies endemic to the Peninsular Ranges.
In contradiction to this image, male sheep are often used as symbols of virility and power; although the logos of the St. Louis Rams and the Dodge Ram allude specifically to males of the species bighorn sheep, ovis canadensis.
Ovis canadensis is one of three species of mountain sheep in North America and Siberia; the other two species being Ovis dalli, which includes Dall sheep and Stone's sheep, and the Siberian snow sheep Ovis nivicola.